Monday, November 23, 2009

Not all Humates are equal

New Zealand Humates limited are the only direct importer of the highest quality Australian Humate. We are the only New Zealand company that hold a relationship with the mine in Australia which means top quality product at the best price possible. We are also the only company that is conducting New Zealand based trial activity on Humate products and we have an R and D programe spacificly involved in developing new Humate products.

Humate products are valued for their Carbon content as well as the content of Fulvic and Humic acids. New Zealand Humate import Aussie product as it has the highest content of Carbon and Humic acid avalible while haveing good Fulvic acid content also therefore offering best value.

New Zealand Humate contains the following as tested by DHL labs in Pukekohe on the 5th Novemeber 2009

Humic Acid 33.6% Fulvic Acid 15.3% Carbon 48 - 69%

When you are considering a Humate product ask for the analysis of the product and take that into account

1 comment:

  1. Fulvic acid and humic acid content found in humate make it all the more valuable such these organic acid play a very important role in many of the cellular process taking palace in human body and act as an excellent antioxidant.
    Fulvic Acid
